Dialexicon is a listening movement, connecting people through online and in-person interviews.
Dialexicon is an international listening project. Short interviews that use language to raise up what’s really being said, and what matters to people.

Nathan Hird for Dialexicon

Chris the welder for Dialexicon

Ceramic artist Kathy Kranias on her work, the body, movement and transformation!

Kevin McKay for Dialexicon: "working with" + creating commonality

Dialexicon with Bruce Dienes

Naomi Tessler for Dialexicon: sand + invitation

Noah Goodbaum, The Mighty Rhino for Dialexicon: friendship + surplus

E. G. Condé for Dialexicon: migrant + meshwork

Sunu for Dialexicon: closeness + vulnerability

Shad for Dialexicon: water + direction

George Elliott Clarke, Poet Laureate, for Dialexicon

"the answer lies within" + "work with it", Laara Fitznor for Dialexicon

activism + the place of women, Jacqueline Karsemeyer

Isaiah potlatch + feast

cartography + detail resolution, Don McGeachy